For more than 15 years, Audrey has been assisting Executives and Management teams in the development of personal or collective strategies adapted to their performance objectives. As a coach, her mission is to promote the adequacy between the individual potential, the constraints of the environment and the targeted project.
According to her, the recognition of one’s difference, the adaptation to the differences of other people and the acceptance of a perpetually changing world are the guarantees of individual and collective success. They often induce a real questioning of our paradigms.
She works for different sectors of activity and organizational models, within CAC 40 companies, SMEs and groups of liberal professions.
Prior Experience
Passionate about social sciences and humanities, Audrey first worked with children and teenagers who had learning problems. Her appetite for education in the broad sense has led her to become a trainer for people with teaching responsibilities (teachers, doctors, managers and sports coaches). The doors of the psychology of performance and mental preparation got opened for her thanks to this encounter with the world of high-level sport.
As a mental trainer, she worked mainly with golf players. In 2000 this discipline naturally brought her to start working in the field of corporate coaching.
Audrey is combining the lessons learned and her personal research and she has now created and developed a unique method of coaching that combines learning methods from Cognitive Science (MAC, Learning to Learn) and development techniques of human potential (NLP, AT , Ericksonian Communication, Action-Types based on the MBTI, Systemic Approach, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy). Her methodology is also inspired by the specific tools of mental preparation.
She likes
The living, respect, truths, efficiency, Kipling's poem "You will be a Man, my son", the beauty of nature, the song of birds and cicadas ...
She dislikes
Humiliation, betrayal and cowardice
Favorite Quote
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult” Seneca