Leadership by faces
Influence of a leader’s body and facial expressions in driving the managerial culture of a company is baffling. With the support of the cartoonist Bruno Tesse, we have captured those patterns in a series called “Leadership by faces”. Any resemblance with you boss, anybody you have worked with or your company culture will obviously be totally fortuitous.
#1 - The Commander
Leadership by authority
#2 - The Artist
Leadership by creativity
#3 - The Teacher
Leadership by expertise
#4 - The Poker Face
Leadership by composure
#5 - The Cheerleader
Leadership by enthusiasm
#6 - The Angry Bird
Leadership by fear
#7 - The Fearful
Leadership by anxiety
#8 - The Challenger
Leadership by stimulation
#9 - The Visionary
Leadership by inspiration
#10 - Guess who?
Leadership by realism
The challenge of appointing the right CEO for a company is a complex combination of factors :
Between ensuring the right amount of continuity - if it ain't broken, why fix it, and introducing change if not radical transformation where needed
Between having a preference for internal candidates and yet focusing on everything they don't bring, compared to the "messiah" who has been identified on the market
Between recognizing the need for diversity (nationality, background, gender, etc) and picking the winner with a well-known, well-established group of candidates on the company's home market
The trade-offs involved will often mean that the winning candidate emerges as the others get methodically eliminated.
The moral of the story: since most of us cannot choose our CEO, let's make the most out of his/her leadership characteristics; he or she must be there for a reason...